Vedi anche Supporto Cardiaco Vitale Avanzato nell'adulto


Medicina On Line per Professionisti d'Aiuto

ultimo aggiornamento 10 febbraio 2012

Con la consultazione del database si accettano implicitamente le seguenti avvertenze.

Il database delle schede tecniche dei farmaci del Prontuario serve esclusivamente a scopo informativo per medici, studenti ed utenti avanzati.
Le informazioni all'interno di questo sito sono relative ai farmaci venduti in Italia ed in Europa, taluni di uso esclusivamente ospedaliero.
Tali informazioni non possono essere usate a fini diagnostici o terapeutici e non devono in nessun caso intendersi come consiglio per una diagnosi o per una terapia. Prima di acquistare qualsiasi prodotto, o di interrompere un trattamento, chieda sempre il parere al suo medico. Le informazioni del sito non sono esaustive circa le caratteristiche dei farmaci, quindi non trattano tutte le indicazioni, controindicazioni, interazioni o effetti collaterali possibili dei medicinali. La visita presso lo Studio del Vs. Medico è insostituibile da qualsivoglia informazione on line.



 PRONTUARIO DI 8000 MEDICINALI (compresi Generici)










Cliniweb International


Diseases, Disorders and Related Topics

Doctor's Guide to the Internet - Doctor's Guide HomePage

EINet: Medicine


Family Medicine Resources - Med Col VA

Hardin Meta Directory of Internet Health Sources

Health and Medicine

HealthGate Medicine  

Healthgate: Ricerca Avanzata



Infotrieve: Ricerca Avanzata

Interactive Medical Student Lounge

Internet Grateful Med

Internet Health Science Resources

Martindale's Health Science Guide


Medical Matrix 3.6.23: Guide to Internet Clinical Medicine Resources

Medical References Fam-Med

MedicineNet Home Page




MedWeb: Biomedical Internet Resources


National Library of Medicine: advanced search

National Library of Medicine

Open Text

Physician's Guide to the Internet



The Medical List - medclin€malet

The WWW Virtual Library: Biosciences - Medicine



Yahoo - Medicine Index

Yahoo - Medicine:Family Medicine


Yelloweb Europe

Medical news

Academic Medicine 

ACP - Annals of Internal Medicine

AHA - American Heart Association

AHJ - American Heart Journal

AJRCCM - Am Jour Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine

Alcohol Alerts


Alzheimer's Disease Review

AMA - Archives of Internal Medicine

AMA Science News Daily Releases

Amer.Acad. of Orthopaedic Surgeons Bulletin

American College of Physicians Journal Club

American College of Physicians Journal Club Searchable Abstracts

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

American Journal of Nursing

American Journal of Psychiatry

American Journal of Public Health

American Lung Association Pamphlets

Anaesthesia On-Line

Annals of Internal Medicine 

Annals of Thoracic Surgery

Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Abstracts

Australian Adverse Drug Reactions Bulletin

Aviation and Aerospace Medicine Articles

Bandolier-Journal of Evidence Based Medicine

Bioethics: Italian Electronic Journal

Biomedical Frontiers at Columbia

Biomednet Electronic Press

Blazing a Genetic Trail


BMJ (British Medical Journal)

Brain & Mind Magazine

Brain Pathology On Line

Breaking News from Orthopedic Today

British Medical Journal

Canadian Association of Radiologist's Journal

Canadian Bioethics Report

Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy

Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy (CJRT)

Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy (CJRT)

Canadian Journal of Surgery

Canadian Medical Association Journal

Cancer Control Journal

Cancerlit Topic Searches

CarlWeb General Periodical Index



Chiropractic Research Journal

Circulation Abstracts

Cleveland Clinic's Cardiac Consult Magazine

Clinical and Investigative Medicine

Clinical Diabetes

Clinical Laboratory News

Clinical Pulmonary Medicine

Clinical Pulmonary Medicine

CMA International digest

CMA International digest

CMAJ Online

CW Henderson Newsletter Titles

Cyberspace Clinic

Dermatology Online Journal

Dermatology Online Journal

Dermatology Times

Diabetes Care Journal

Diabetes Reviews

Digital Journal of Ophthalmology

Digital Journal of Urology

Electronic Journals Bulletins Newsletters

Electronic Library Search Engine

Electronic Medical Journals from Royal Netherlands Academy

e-Med News

Emergency Medical Abstracts Online

Emerging Infectious Diseases

Emerging Infectious Diseases

Essential Drugs Monitor (WHO)

European Heart Journal

European Journal of Emergency Surgery end Intensive Care

Evidence-Based Medicine

Florida Family Physician / January 1996

Florida Family Physician / January 1996



General Practice On-Line

General Practice On-Line

Genetic Drift Online Newsletter

Glossary of Technical Medical Terms in 8 European Languages

Grand Rounds at Froedtert Hospital


Harvard Public Health Review

Hazardous Substances & Public Health

HDCN: Nephrology Journal

Head and Neck News

Health Care Industry News

Health Policy Page

Health Reviews for Primary Care

Health Services Research

Health Services Research Journal

Health World Medline Free Search

Healthcare Daily Trade News Page

HealthGate Medline

Healthline - USA Today Health Stories

Healthnet Newsletter

Healthworks Medline

Healthworks Online Health & Medical Information Service

Heart Line

Heart Surgery Forum Articles

Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics On-Line Journal

HIV/AIDS Publications at the CDC

Hypertension Abstracts

Hypertension, Dialysis, and Clinical Nephrology Journal

Infectious Disease News

Institute of Diabetes Digestive and Kidney Diseases News Releases

Interactive Medical Journal

Interactive Otorhinolaryngological Sciences Online Journal

International Digest - Canadian Medical Association Journal

International Journal of Aneasthesia and Intensive Care

Internet Bullettin of Pediatric Surgery

Internet Journal of Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine

Internet Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery

Internet Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery

Internet Medical Terminology Resources


Israel Medical News

Italian Journal of Addictions

JAMA - The Journal of the American Medical Association

JAMA & Archives (American Medical Association)

JFP Journal Club Subject Index

Journal Biological Chemistry

Journal Club on the Web

Journal of AIDS On-Line

Journal of Biological Markers

Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Journal of Contemporary Neurology

Journal of Immunology Cutting Edge Papers

Journal of Molecular Modeling

Journal of Nephrology

Journal of Nursing Jocularity

Journal of Ophthalmology

Journal of Phychiatry & Neuroscience

Journal of the American College of Cardiology

Journal of the American Medical Association, Archives of Internal Medicine, American Medical News, and other AMA publications

Journal of the National Cancer Institute

Journal of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

Journal of the Southern Orthopaedic Association

Journal Watch Online

Leech News

M.D. Anderson Oncology Case Reports & Review

Medical & Other News

Medical Education OnLine

Medical Journal of Australia

Medical Term Dictionary

Medicine & Health Rhode Island

Medicine and Global Survival

Medicine On Line

Medi-Search Article Archive

Medscape (health information from SCP Communications Inc.)

Medscape daily News

Medscape's Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Topic

Medscape's Respiratory Care Articles

MEDWEB - Electronic Publications

MedWEB: A Complete List of E-Journals and Newsletters

MedWeb: Electronic Newsletters and Journals

Mental Health Newsletters

MeSH Tree Structure

Milbank Quarterly Haelth Care Journal

Modern Issues in Health Care Management

Modern Medicine

Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report

National library of medicine


Nature Medicine

Nephrology Exchange Osteoporosis Journal

Neuroscience-Net Electronic Journal

Neurovascular News at Massachusetts General Hospital

Neuroworld Online Magazine of Neuromedicine

New England Journal of Medicine

News in Health Care from CMA

Newsletter of the Society for the Internet in Medicine

Newsletter of the WHO Global Programme on AIDS

Nlightn a Universe of Information

Novo Diabetes Care ProFile


Oncology Clinical Trials News

Oncology OnLine

Online Journal of Cardiac Ultrasound

Online Journal of Cardiology at McGill

Ophthalmology Times

Orthopedics Today

P & S Medical Review at Columbia

Pediatric Therapeutics Newsletter

Peer Reviewed Journals (AMA list)

Penn. Today Medical News

Pharmacy Case Review

Pharmacy Cost Control News

Psychiatric Times Article List by Topics

Psychiatry On-Line

Psychiatry On-Line: Italy

Psychopharmacology Tips

Psycopharmacology Update

PubMed Database - Medline and PreMedline Search at NCBI

Pubmed Medline with Clinical Search Filters

Radiologica Society of North America Electronic Journal

Reviews of Key Publications in Urology

Rounds and Journal Club at IatroNet

Rush Heart Institute Newsletter


Science on Line

ScienceDaily Magazine Health Topics

Scientific American

SIM Quarterly (The Newsletter of the Society of Internet in Medicine)

Sport and Spine On-line

Stroke Abstracts

The Alberta Doctor's Digest

The American Medical News

The British Medical Journal

The British Medical Journal

The Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine

The Cancer Journal

The Gene Letter - Electronic Genetics Newsletter

The Internet Journal of Advanced Nursing Practice

The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology

The Internet Journal of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology

The Internet Journal of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology

The Internet Journal of Pulmonary Medicine

The Internet Journal of Surgery

The Internet Medical Product Guide

The journal of Emergency Medical Services

The Journal of Family Practice

The Journal of Hypertension

The Journal of Informatics in Primary Care

The Journal Watch backfiles collection

The Lancet

The Medical Reporter

The New England Journal of Medicine

The OnLine Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

The Osler Medical Journal

The Vitreous Society Online Journal

Therapeutic Initiative: Evidence Based Drug Therapy


Today's Internist

Topics in Practical Medicine

U.K. Primary Care Web Update

U.S.A. FDA News

United States Medical Libraries

Vaccine Weekly from Newsfile

Veteran Administration AIDS Newsletter Treatment News

What's New in Surgery

What's New in the World of Medicine

What's New on Oncolink

WHO Press Relases

  On line textbook

AIDS Handbook from Wytech

AIDSPATH Electronic Text Book of AIDS Pathology

American Family Physician

An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation

Anesthesia Resident Handbook

Approches to Differential Diagnosis in MusculaSkeletal Imaging

Asthma Treatment Handbook

Atlas of Medical Parasitology

Clinician's Handbook of Preventive Medicine

Diagnostic Procedure Handbook Online

Electronic Textbook of Dermatology

Essentials in Osteodynamics and Bone Disease

FDA Handbook of Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and natural Toxins

Genline Genetics Textbook

Intern On Call Handbook

Laboratory Tests Handbook

Language of Dermatology - Fundamental of Morphologic Decription

Medical Informatics TextBook at Columbia

Multimedia Texbook of Ultrasonography

Multimedia Textbooks from Iowa University

Nuclear Medicine Review Manual

Pain in HIV/AIDS Handbook

Pathology Laboratories Handbook

Pediatric Surgery Handbook

Report of the US Preventive Service Task Force 1989

Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library

The Basic of MRI

The Dictionary of Cell Biology

THe Electronic HandBook of Anaesthesia and Critical Care Medicine

The Family Practice Handbook

The Hypertextbook of Pediatric Critical Care

The Longitudinal Muscle in Esophageal Disease

The Merk Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy (merita)

The Virtual Anaesthesia Textbook

UNC's Neurosurgery Resident's Online Handbook

 Pediatric Links

American Pediatric Surgical Association

Atlante di Chirurgia

British Association of Pediaric Surgery

Chirurgia Pediatrica dell'Università di Palermo

Handbook di Chirurgia Pediatrica

Handbook di Chirurgia Pediatrica d'Urgenza

Sezione Chirurgica dell'American Academy of Pediatrics

The Society for Pediatric Urology

Introduzione alla Malattia da Reflusso Gastro-Esofageo

On-Line Laparoscopic Technical Manual

Pediatric Surgery Update

Educational equipment for schools, universities and vocational training.

AHCPR Guidelines


Asthma - Doctor's Guide to the Internet

Cancer Net

Cancer On Line Resources


Digital Urology Journal

Hearth and Stroke A-Z Guide

Internet Medical Education

Medscape Multispecialty - Practice Guidelines


Primary Care Baseline - Clinical Algorithms

Student BMJ

Student. Æsculap

Virtual Hospital


Associations and Societies

American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR)

American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)

American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)

American Society of Hematology (ASH)

American Medical Association (AMA)

American Cancer Society

National Cancer Institute

American Society of Clinical Oncology ("People Living with Cancer" section)

CancerGuide (by cancer survivor Steve Dunn)

Medical Databases



The Signaling Gateway

Genentech Medical Information Database

Cancer Topics or Disease Areas


Counseling and Support Services

Cancer Care, Inc.

National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship

The Wellness Community

Cancer Survival Toolbox

Patient Advocate Foundation

Frankly Speaking About New Discoveries in Cancer

Information for Caregivers

National Family Caregivers Association

Cancer Survival Toolbox

The Wellness Community

Statistics About Cancer

American Cancer Society

National Cancer Institute




Hospital News (Florida's Newspaper for Healthcare Professionals)

Medical News (Reuters, US)

NewsPage - Healthcare

New Zealand Doctor

The Medical Post's

The Medical Reporter

The Scientist

USA Today - Health


Pathology ressources

Anatomie Pathology at Necker (France)


Internet Ressources for Pathology

Multipath Gallery

Neuroanatomy & Neuropathology on the Internet (contiene altri links)

Ophthalmic Pathology Index

Organ System Pathlogy

Pathology Image Collection

The Tumor Board

University of Pittsburgh

UW-Madison Patholgy 703 Slides TOC

Yale University Department of Laboratory Medicine





Female Genital Pathology Index




A Guided Tour of the Visible Human Project


AAAAI Home Page

AAAAI Home Page

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education

Adis International Homepage


Alberta Medical Association

Alcoholics Anonymous

more sites.........................................

Amer Medical Informatics Assoc

Amer Medical Student Association

American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology

American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)

American Association of the Study of Liver Diseases

American Board of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery, Inc.

American Board of Allergy and Immunology

American Board of Emergency Medicine

American Board of Internal Medicine

American Board of Medical Genetics

American Board of Medical Specialties

American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology

American Board of Pediatrics

American Board of Preventive Medicine

American Cancer Society

American Cancer Society Associazione Romagnola Ricerca Tumori

American College of Cardiology

American College of Chest Physicians

American College of Endocrinology

American College of Nuclear Physicians

American College of Physicians

American College of Rheumatology

American College of Rheumatology Home Page

American College of Sports Medicine

American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine

American Diabetes Association

American Gastroenterological Association

American Geriatrics Society

American Heart Association

American Medical Association

American Medical Association

American Medical Association - Scientific Journals

American Medical Association Publishing Home

American Medical Informatics Association

American Medical Informatics Association Internet Working Group

American Society for Bone and Mineral research

American Society of Addiction Medicine

American Society of Clinical Oncology

American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

American Society of Hematology

American Thoracic Society

American Thoracic Society


Archives of Rheumatology

Arizona Cancer Center

ASA - American Society of Andrology

Association of Professors of Medicine

Association of Subspecialty Professors

Associazione Urologi Ospedalieri (AURO)

Asthma Zero Mortality Coalition (AZMG)

AUA - American Urological Association

Boston University medical Center

Breast Cancer Information

CancerGuide: Steve Dunn's Cancer Information Page

CancerNet Servers

Cardiology Compass

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

CDC AIDS Daily News Summaries

CDC Diseases Information Page

CDC Home Travel Information Page

Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine

Cognitive Rehab for head & brain injury stroke

Community Breast Health Project

Critical Care U of West Ontario

Cyberspace Hosp

Cyberspace Hospital


Dermatology WWW-Server

Diabetes Services: Books, Information, Insulin Pumps, Newsletters, and Tapes on Diabetes

Digital Journal Of Urology

Duke Community and Family Medicine

EMBBS Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Megacode Simulator

Emergency Medicine Internetwork

Endocrine Society

Family Medicine

Foundation For Osteoporosis research & Education

GASNet Anesthesiology Home Page

Genome Data Base - Home Page

German Canvcer Research Center

Gerontological Society of America

Health Online Service

Healthatoz - The Search Engine for Health and Medicine

Heart Surgery Forum


Human Subjects Committee

International Legue of Associations for

International Osteoporosis Foundation

International Travelers Clinic - Med Coll Wisc

International Union Against Cancer ( indirizzi delle organizzazioni italiane)

Links of the Department of Medicine

Medic Medical References by Specilaties

Medical Informatics Laboratory, University of Pavia

Medscape / Urology

National Institute of Health

National Osteoporosis Foundation

National Study of Graduate Education in Internal Medicine

New York State Academy of Family Physicians WWW Home Page -

NicNet: Arizona

NIDDK Home Page

Occupationa healt and safety

OMIM Home Page -- Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man

OncoLink U of Pennsylvania

Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseas

Other Boards

PDQ Database search page

Penn State Department of Radiology

Pharmaceutical Information Network

Pharmacy Information on the Internet

Post Graduate School di Perugia



Royal Free Hospital

RxList - The Internet Drug Index

Sito curato dal Cineca

Society of General Internal Medicine

Southern Medical Association Home Page

STFM Home Page

The Emergency Medicine and Primary Care Home Page by EMBBS

The Internet Pathology Laboratory for Medical Education

The Journal Of Urology

The MIDAS Consortium

The prevention and management of osteoporosis Consensus statement - Medical Journal of Australia

The Urbana Atlas of Pathology

The Virtual Hospital

The virtual Medical Center

The Visible Human Project

The Whole Brain Atlas

Tobacco Control Archives

TraumaNET Home Page

U of Alberta Dept of Family Medicine

U of Illinois Chicago Dept of Family Practice

U of Missouri Family & Community Medicine

U of Washington Dept of Family Medicine

U of Western Ontario Dept of Family Medicine

U of Wisconsin Dept of Family Medicine

University of Florida - Post-menopausal Osteoporosis Key Issues

University of Michigan Medical Center Home Page

University of Winsconsin, Department of Medicine

University of Wisconsin! Medical School InfoLink

Urology Channel

USRF - Urological Sciences Research Foundation

UTHSCSA Trauma Home Page

UW Radiology Webserver

Wayne State University Department of Family Medicine

WebPath: Internet Pathology

Welcome to Radiologic Anatomy!

WONCA Homepage

Xray Library



Audio visual database ad Loyola

Clinical cases from iowa university

Digidoc: sights and sounds of internal medicine

Health on the net foundation medical images and moves


Loyola university medical education network

Med asylum atlas of pathology

MedFiles: cases and teaching files

Medical education teaching modules

Medical image bank at Missuri

Medical photograph library at Embss

Multimedia medical reference library

Teaching modules from Stanford

The Bristol biomedical image archive

The medical education page


medicine Guides

A Guide to medical information and support on the internet



Children's Cancer Web

Diseases, Disorders and Related Topics

Guide to internet Resources for Cancer

Health Index

Health Resources Index

Internet health Resources

Medical Resources Index

MRC Collaborative Center

Net Medicine

Oncology Services

TERA Project Project on Oncological Hadrontherapy

The Texas Cancer Data Center


medical SOFTWARE


Medical Software, University of Valencia, Spain.

Medical Software Archive, U. Of Texas, Houston NIB - Nucleo de Informatica Biomedica Health Sciences Libraries Consortium CBL Software Database Global Anesthesia Software Databank The Pediatrician's Software Grab-Bag

SimBioSys Physiology Labs


Medicine world Meeting

WorldWide Medical Conference